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For Clients and Event Attendees

  • These protocols are being implemented for new clients for private sessions and unknown individuals who want to join our events and parties.

  •  Thank you for your time and patience with the new changes. These help keep everyone safe.

  • You must fill out a screening form if you are a new client or interested in attending any event or party.  


To book your screening, please schedule your free consultation screening here.

Basic Screening

  • Screening is a long-standing practice within many areas of society.

  • Miriam-Webster defines it as investigating (someone) thoroughly to see if they should be approved or accepted.

  • Some may view this as an elitist practice. We consider it as being responsible.

  • For the benefit of all, everyone who is interested in attending an event that Positive Peer Mentoring host or wants to do a private, professional session must first be screened. Everyone must go through the same process. No exceptions.

  • A simple introduction only constitutes a partial screening because we aim to maintain a safe, pleasant, and positive environment. We want to get acquainted with people; have meaningful conversations to determine if our objectives align. The mission has a relatively narrow focus. We are not trying to be all things to all people. As such, it is our responsibility to take the time to get to know people well enough to determine if there is a good fit between what each person is seeking and what we offer.

  • This process is very subjective; we know that, and we don't apologize for it as it keeps everyone safe.

Video screening

  • Mrs. Pulliam will do an online video Conulsation session with you for the screening. This will be a minimum of 15 minutes to 1 hour and will be formal. You will be asked questions and expected to answer openly and honestly.

Photo ID

  • You will be asked to include a photo ID when completing the screening form. Positive Peer Mentoring will not continue with the screening process if you don't present it. Any ID will work if it includes your picture and full birthdate. You may send us a copy of your ID with the address crossed off before the screening session. If you cannot attach it to the screening form due to your computer or device settings, you are welcome to email


  • After you submit your screening form, you'll have to meet in person via an online video call, and this is to screen you officially.

Booking the Session

  • If you are permitted to continue with the booking of your session, congratulations, you passed! Being able to book a session means you have been found trustworthy in participating with Positive Peer Mentoring and attending the events.


  • You will fill out a contract and pay for the service you seek when booking the session.

Client Vetting Protocols: List
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