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An efficient screening process allows the Touch Practitioner to easily filter clients that are not a good fit for our service. Safety Protocols create safer, more uncomplicated, and more fulfilling sessions for the mentor. For this section, we define "safety" quite broadly, including physical safety and the emotional safety that comes when what we offer and what the client wants is a match.


We've never felt that we were in physical danger with a client. We avoid putting ourselves in a bad situation with the following eight protocols:


  • Require clients to fill out an agreement form and waiver.

  • Require clients to fill out a screening form and mental health form.

  • Before agreeing to work with a client, conduct a 15–30-minute phone, video, or in-person consultation to determine whether they are safe for PPM and our mentor.

  • We watch for red flags.

  • We must request a photo of the client's driver's license or government ID.

  • For in-call sessions, we will not provide the address until after we've received the FULL payment and the driver's license.

  • As touch practitioners, we also let someone know when we do a session. This person is called a Safety Buddy. It should be noted that as touch practitioners and mentors, we uphold the laws on HIPPA and do not provide the client's information or exact location to anyone.

  • We always trust our gut.


The professors, Jean and Fei, need to be attorneys qualified to give you legal advice, they need to be. However, during training, they clarified that we want our clients to know that we ask them to sign an agreement form and waiver, as you see below. It's critical to our safety process because clients must be accountable for their behavior. If a client doesn't sign it, we don't work with them.




  • I confirm that I am at least 18 years of age.

  • Professional cuddling and Touch Therapy sessions are nonsexual. I understand that both given and received touching will be platonic, non-erotic, and non-romantic.

  • Both people will remain fully clothed. If I need to change clothing, I'll do so in the restroom.

  • I agree to send a photo of my driver's license to ensure the practitioner's comfort and safety.

  • I understand that my professional cuddler may use a "Safety Buddy" protocol where the Safety Buddy is contacted when a cuddling session is done to confirm the professional cuddler is safe.

  • Should a professional cuddler interpret any of my actions as inappropriate or threatening, they reserve the right to terminate the session immediately with no warning or refund given.

  • I agree to arrive and stay sober throughout the session.

  • I agree not to bring valuables or anything that could be used as a weapon into the professional cuddler's environment.

  • I understand that payment for each session is required before the start of any session.

  • There is a 48-hour cancellation policy. To cancel, text or email your Positive Peer Mentor to confirm receipt. Any appointment canceled within 48 hours of the meeting will be non-refundable.

  • I understand that the etiquette is to shower within 4 hours of the session and dress in clean clothes free from cologne, body wash, perfume, or cigarette smoke. (Fresh breath is appreciated, too!)

  • I'll let my touch practitioner know if I'm not feeling well and may be contagious.

  • I understand that any photos or video recordings must be discussed and consented to before the session begins. I agree not to post pictures or videos without written Consent from Cuddle Sanctuary and my professional cuddler.

  • I understand that my professional cuddler reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.


Based on your answers, we may Google the client's name. See if you can find them on social media. The purpose of this research is to find out if there's anything that worries us related to our safety.


We know we may only find some. Not seeing the potential client on social media could be for many reasons.

  • One reason may be that the client didn't give us their real name.

  • Another reason may be related to their privacy needs.

  • Another is that they're not involved with social media.

Either way, if we can't find them, our next step - the consultation - becomes much more important as a screening tool.


Your 15-30 minute consultation is critical for deciding if this is your right client. Here's what you want your consultation to accomplish first:


  • Establish rapport with the client.

  • Figure out if you'll be safe with this client.


Questions We May Ask Include but Are Not Limited To:

  • How did you find out about my services?

  • Why are you seeking a professional cuddling session?

  • Have you had a professional cuddling session before? How did that go?

  • Can you share your current relationship status?

  • I ask for a photo ID; is that okay with you?

  • Is there anything else you'd like for me to know about you?

  • As you may already know, my sessions are nonsexual. By nonsexual, I don't just mean that nothing explicitly sexual will happen during the session. I also suggest that I like to keep the tone and intention of sessions platonic, meaning non-erotic and non-romantic, as we provide touch therapy sessions. I want to create a nurturing, healing, soothing, and comforting vibe. There's no judgment of sexual services; it's not what I offer. Does this line up with what you're looking for? Did you have any questions about that?


If we are feeling comfortable moving forward with the session:


I will take the opportunity to learn the client's needs and preferences to be prepared for a session with the client. If you provide a valid email, you will receive one including the following information on preparation. This email could include tips on decreasing the chances of unintentional arousal. Here's an example:


Below is just an example. You may receive one slightly different.


Dear _____, 

Thanks for our conversation earlier today. Here are suggestions for preparing for a tremendous therapeutic touch therapy session. Please email back that you received this.


What To Wear:

Wear comfortable clothing such as sweatpants, leggings, and T-shirts. Please don't dress to impress. Wearing your comfy clothes will set just the right tone.       


Suggestions For Avoiding Unintentional Arousal:

If you think you could get unintentionally aroused, please implement a few of these suggestions.

  • First, consider masturbating earlier in the day.

  • Second, wear more than one layer in the groin area.

    • Some people choose an athletic cup or a second pair of underwear.

  • Third, we can strategically use a pillow between us while cuddling.


Hygiene Tips:

My clients tend to feel most confident if they can shower beforehand and have fresh breath. It's also a great courtesy to me. Wash up before our session and avoid strong smells such as cologne, perfume, or body spray. I'll do the same! 


Please email me back to let me know if you received this and what questions you have.


Thank you!


These are some red flags that we look out for in your consultation. Note that red flags do not necessarily mean a person will not be a good fit for our service. If we observe a red flag, we will always have an open conversation with your client about it. This will help us make our decision.


 It's a red flag if the client:


  • You request multiple sessions under multiple pseudonyms.

  • Has seen many professional cuddlers touch therapists or mentors before.

  • Mentions having had sessions before but is vague about the name of the service.

  • Comments about Positive Peer Mentor's appearance.

  • Questions about what the therapist will wear or make clothing requests.

  • Asks multiple questions about what they can wear.

  • Requests that you arrange more than one cuddler or touch therapist.

  • You can't talk openly and directly about your service.

  • Is in a rush to move forward.

  • Sends texts that say "hi" without a specific question.

  • You go forever back and forth with texts and emails.

  • Doesn't want to give a copy of their ID/Wants to keep anonymity.

  • Asks questions about where they can touch or where you will touch them.

  • Asks questions about specific body parts.

  • Asks if kissing is okay or if anything else sexual is OK.

  • You bring up sexual topics/questions about sexual fetishes, kinks, etc.

  • You bring up sex (even not being interested in sex) frequently in the conversation.


A safety buddy is a reliable friend or family member who knows that we provide professional touch therapy and wants to help us stay safe. If it is your first time, please feel free to use a safety buddy as well. You do not need to tell anyone it is for therapy, but we know it can be scary to meet new people.


Here's how it works:


  • Have your safety buddy set the alarm for themselves 30 minutes after your session is scheduled to end.

  • As soon as the session has ended and either myself (out-call) or the client (in-call) has safely left, I will contact my safety buddy with the safe word to let them know you are safe.

  • Ensure you get a response from your safety buddy to avoid miscommunication.

  • If your safety buddy doesn't hear the safe word from you within 30 minutes of the end of your session, have them contact you in multiple ways: Phone, Text, Facebook Message, Email, etc.

  • If you don't respond or the safe word is missing from your response for more than one hour, the safety buddy will contact 911 with all the details you've provided, such as the general location and time.


This is important. In our work, we are in a private, intimate space with people we have just met. All the safety protocols above will help us make good choices to keep ourselves and the client safe. If your gut signals danger to you, trust your gut. Even if it doesn't make logical sense, trust your gut.


This means saying NO to a client without an excellent reason if that's what your gut tells you. It also means we can leave a session anytime if something seems wrong.


If you are feeling any of the above, please think about booking a session.

NOT in PA? No worries, she offers phone and video visits as well.


Use the button to see her updated calendar and book her today

When you have a Therapeutic Mentoring Session with Corinne Pulliam, at Positive Peer Mentoring, she will:

  • Recognize her reactions to what the client is telling her.

  • Be non-judgmental and empathic.

  • Show a genuine interest in what the client is telling her.

  • Try to use the language of the client she is interacting with.

  • Validate what the client is telling her and show the client she is actively listening.

  • Find out what else is happening in the client's life (stress, relationship difficulties, etc.)

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