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Random Pretend words

Resources and Additional Readings

Random Pretend words


If you are feeling any of the above, please think about booking a session.

NOT in PA? No worries, she offers phone and video visits as well.



Use the button to see her updated calendar and book her today

When you have a Therapeutic Mentoring Session with Corinne Pulliam, at Positive Peer Mentoring she will:

  • Recognize her reactions to what the client is telling her.

  • Be non-judgmental and empathic.

  • Show a genuine interest in what the client is telling her.

  • Try to use the language of the client she is interacting with.

  • Validate what the client is telling her and show the client she is actively listening.

  • Find out what else is happening in the client's life (stress, relationship difficulties, etc.)



©2008-2023 by Positive Peer Mentoring 

At Positive Peer Mentoring, we provide sexual-free service to help you become the best you possible. 

Clause and Reminders


Clause: This is an educational site. Along with access to buying goods and services.

However, because of the topics it deals with, it may be sexually or religiously offensive to some readers.


Reminder: Not everyone feels the same way about the topics on this site. Everyone is different, and experiences all vary from person to person and case to case.

This website strictly gives generalized ideas and thoughts based on personal knowledge and experiences from Positive Peer Mentoring, their clients, their event guest, and most importantly, their friends and community family.


Read terms and conditions by clicking here.


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